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Neuropsychology and Speech Therapy
Our role

The H.U.B’s Department of Neuropsychology and Speech Therapy is staffed by neuropsychologists, speech therapists, psychologists ad neurolinguists from the Erasmus Hospital, the Jules Bordet Institute and the Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital (HUDERF). The department assesses babies, children, adolescents and adults with neuropsychological and speech disorders and provides rehabilitation/readaptation in the case of deficiencies. Our staff work in various medical units to assist patients with problems in diverse areas, including: attention, language, memory, reasoning, deglutition perception, speech and voice. The department consists of three sectors: baby-child-adolescent cognition, adult-elderly person cognition; deglutition-voice-speech.
Our specialities
Our activities in hospitalisation are of two kinds: assessment or evaluation of difficulties and rehabilitation/readaptation in the case of speech and neuropsychological deficiencies following a lesion (injury, trauma), a brain dysfunction or a neurodevelopmental disorder. Our staff are present in neurology, physical medicine and readaptation, neuropaediatrics, geriatrics, child psychiatry, E.N.T. and neurosurgery, etc
Outpatients are seen for their neuropsychological or speech disorders at the Geriatric Day Hospital, the Outpatient Centre for Neurological Functional Readaptation for Adults (C.R.F.N.A.), the Centre for Neurological Functional Readaptation for Children (C.R.F.N.I.) or at the Learning, Growing and Becoming Centre.
The neuropsychologist treats cognitive, behavioural and emotional aspects. He or she informs the patient and those close to the patient of the link between cognitive and behavioural dysfunctions as evaluated and present or future consequences for daily and professional life. The neuropsychologist takes into account the psycho-affective, social and environmental context so as to arrive at the best possible understanding of the importance of incapacities and handicaps and proposes individualised treatment indications.
The speech therapist carries out assessments and re-education in the case of language (language development, dyslexia, aphasias), voice (dysphonia) and deglutition (dysphagia) disorders as well as facial muscle (paresis, paralysis) problems in brain-damaged patients or patients presenting neurological and neurodevelopmental pathologies.
Our team

Our specialists

The H.U.B’s Department of Neuropsychology and Speech Therapy encourages the development of research activity as well as cooperation with faculty structures of the ULB and VUB. The department also participates in national and international research projects. Several of its members pursue research related to neuropsychology and speech therapy and publish in international journals.

Several members of the department teach at the university or training college. Every year many students undertake a clinical internship at the department as part of their studies in neuropsychology or speech therapy.
COVCOG: Immediate and long-term cognitive improvement after cognitive versus emotion management psychoeducation programs - a randomized trial in covid patients with neuropsychological difficulties.
- Authors : Willems S, Didone V, Cabello Fernandez C, Delrue G, Slama H, Fery P, Goin J, Della Libera C, COVCOG Group, Collette F
- Journal: BMC Neurology, 2023
Acoustic Analysis of Voluntary Coughs, Throat Clearings, and Induced Reflexive Coughs in a Healthy Population
- Authors : Mootassim-Billah S, Schoentgen J, De Bodt M, Roper N, Digonnet A, Le Tensorer M, Van Nuffelen G, Van Gestel D
- Journal: Dysphagia, 2021
Unraveling the Cognitive-Motor Interaction in Individuals With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Authors : Gaillardin F, Bier JC, De Breucker S, Baudry S
- Journal: J Neurol Phys Ther, 2022
Resting-state functional brain connectivity is related to subsequent procedural learning skills in school-aged children
- Authors : Van Dyck D, Deconinck N, Aeby A, Baijot S, Coquelet N, Trotta N, Rovai A, Goldman S, Urbain C, Wens V, De Tiège X.
- Journal: Neuroimage, 2021