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Trauma Center
Since September 2022 the Erasmus Hospital has been an accredited “Trauma Center”. A certification that recognises quality care for patients who have suffered a serious level 1 trauma. Every day at the Trauma Center a multidisciplinary medical and paramedical team acts to ensure that patient care is transverse and optimal. A chain of survival that begins with the 112 call and continues to patient stabilisation and through to rehabilitation.
Whether the patients are victims of a road, occupational or domestic accident, a severe trauma is the principal cause of death for persons aged under 40. To guarantee effective care, the Erasmus Hospital has both the infrastructure and material and medical resources to permit a complete care pathway.

Quality charter
The Erasmus Hospital is driven by a dynamic of continuous improvement rooted in a quality culture that is evident across all its activities and that involves all members of staff. Its missions of patient care, teaching and research are pursued in a context of continuous assessment and optimal rigour, transparency and security.
The hospital undertakes to:
- Place the patient at the centre of its concerns so as to provide the desired care and services by integrating them in pre- and post-hospitalisation care.
- Help develop new approaches to care and provide the most advanced care in its fields of excellence
- Support the care activities with standardised, written practices
- Encourage respect for the values and goals of the institution
- Encourage the well-being of all members of staff by providing a working environment propitious to personal development
- Provide a teaching tool of excellence for the community and university faculties and training colleges that provide vocational training in the field of health and care
- Provide training in a humanist environment in which the youngest benefit from the skills and experience of more senor staff
- Make available to university faculties and training colleges an effective tool for conducting or participating in all dimensions of research focused on medical and care activities.

The "Baby-Friendly Hospital" Label
In 2008, the Maternity Department was proud to be awarded the "Baby-Friendly Hospital" label, renewed in November 2016. An international programme launched by the WHO and UNICEF, this label aims to ensure that every newborn and mother have an optimal health and well-being capital. It therefore encourages maternity wards and departments to encourage an early bond between mother and baby and to promote breast-feeding. In addition to providing an optimal diet for the baby, protecting against infections and allergies and preventing obesity, breast-feeding is also beneficial for the mother. For the latter, a reduced risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis and easier weight loss after childbirth are the two principal benefits.
To meet the conditions for label renewal, the hospital undertakes to:
- Make every effort to encourage a solid bond between mother and baby during pregnancy, during delivery and after birth.
- Inform and assist in making a well-informed decision on the method of feeding that is best suited to the mother and baby. Once the decision is taken, the Maternity Department undertakes to respect it and support the mother in her choice
- Ensure that our staff benefit from specific training to provide quality support for mothers who decide to breastfeed their children.
- Encourage initial skin-to-skin contact for at least one hour a day, from the time of birth. To reassure the baby, we encourage the mother to offer the baby her breast.
- Avoid separating mother and baby during their stay in maternity. If the baby has to spend time in the Neonatal Department, nurses help the mother to express breast milk, whenever possible in close proximity to the baby.