You are an international patient (you live abroad)

You live abroad and want to organise  hospitalisation or receive medical treatment at the H.U.B (Jules Bordet Institute, Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital, Erasmus Hospital) 

You have social security cover in Europe

For scheduled care your insurer must issue you with document S2 (formerly E112)

For a medical emergency confirmed by a doctor at our institution, the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) can be used. We ask you to check your card’s expiry date.   

You do not have social security cover in Belgium or Europe

Please provide the department secretariat or specialist doctor with: 

  • Your medical file that should be as complete as possible so as to determine the treatment your health condition requires. 
  • A copy of an official identity document and/or of your passport clearly indicating your family name, first names and date of birth. 

On the basis of the information communicated by the medical team, the Preadmission Unit or Insurance Unit will provide you with an estimate of the costs of the treatment  required.

  • If you have a payment guarantee from an insurer, please provide us with this so that the insurance Unit can validate it. If not, please make the payment of the full amount of the estimate. 

Once the care has been validated, the Insurance Unit will put you into contact with the secretariat of the department or specialist doctor in charge of your file so as to plan for your arrival. 

On the day of your arrival at the H.U.B please go to reception with a valid identity document (identity card or passport).