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Our role
Physical health and mental well-being are inextricably linked and as a patient you are at the centre of our concerns. Our department has a number of psychologists who are active throughout the hospital. They are available for consultations or can be contacted during your hospitalisation. Psychologists have a clinical mission as care providers, supporting the patient and family and preventing, diagnosing and treating complaints of psychological origin and expression. This psychological support can help you regain your sense of well-being when faced with a health problem and, if needed, facilitate contacts with the care team as a whole.

Our specialities
The fields of expertise of the Erasmus Hospital psychologists vary depending on the medical department in which the psychologist is present. A psychologist assigned to a particular department (cardiology, pneumology, neurology, oncology, etc.) is therefore specialised in the specific psychological needs of patients in that department.
Liaison psychologists act as a “link” in facilitating communication between you, as a patient, and the care team.
The Psychology Department also proposes psychological questionnaires and inventories, cognitive or neuropsychological tests, personality tests, intellectual tests and psychological tests.
First line psychological care is also available. These are interventions of short duration that make it possible to regain mental well-being in the case of temporary fragility or difficulty.

The Psychology Department also engages in scientific research. This research focuses on a range of subjects, including sleep, psycho-oncology, intensive care, psychology in the workplace. For example, in response to the COVID crisis the Psychology Department initiated research into the impact of the health crisis on the mental health of nursing staff, leading to scientific collaboration with a number of Belgian hospitals.
The Psychology Department also plays an active role in teaching at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and in practical training for future psychologists.
Mental health outcomes differences in healthcare workers in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 care units: a cross-sectional survey in Belgium
- Authors : Tiete J., Guatteri M., Lachaux A., Loas G., Hougardy J-M., Matossian A., Rotsaert M.
- Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
Self-report of empathy: a shortened french adaptation of the interpersonal reactivity index (iri) using two large belgian samples.
- Authors : Braun S, Rosseel Y, Kempenaers C, Loas G, Linkowski P.
- Journal : Psychol Rep. 2015 Dec; 117(3):735-53.
The assessment of autistic traits with the Autism Spectrum Quotient: Contribution of the French version to its construct validity.
- Authors : Kempenaers C., Braun S., Delvaux N., and Linkowski P.
- Journal: (2017). European Review of Applied Psychology, 67(6), 299-306. Doi : 10.1016/j.erap.2017.09.001
French Adaptation of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory in a Belgian French-Speaking Sample.
- Authors : Braun S, Kempenaers C, Linkowski P, Loas G.
- Journal: Front Psychol. 2016 Dec 23; 7
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