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Our role
Orthopaedics is the medico-surgical discipline concerned with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (skeleton, muscles, tendons, etc.). These pathologies or injuries can be of traumatic, infectious, constitutional (malformation, sequelae, etc.) or degenerative (ageing) origin. Most of our therapeutic activity is surgical.

Our specialities
The Erasmus Hospital's Orthopaedics-Traumatology Department covers a number of structures:
- The Hip, Pelvis and Infectious Diseases Clinic has a number of subspecialities and recognised areas of expertise, notably:
- Hip replacement that can be on an outpatient basis, the patient leaving the hospital on the same day as the operation. The department is also reputed for revision surgery and complex hip replacement.
- The Orthopaedic Infectious Disease Clinic proposes multidisciplinary consultations to treat infections of the bones and joints (e.g. infected prostheses).
- The Upper Limb Clinic is concerned with pathologies of the shoulder, wrist or hand, with the emphasis on minimally invasive procedures (e.g. percutaneous surgery of the carpal tunnel).
- The Foot and Knee Clinic also includes the Sports Clinic that is dedicated to injuries suffered when engaging in physical acidity or playing a sport.
- The Orthogeriatric Unit, co-managed with the Geriatrics Department, treats persons aged 75 and over who, in addition to an orthopaedic injury (fractured hop, for example) suffer from other pathologies.
- The Pathologies of the Plexus and Peripheral Nerves Unit (see Focus).
- The Paediatric Surgery and Scoliosis Clinic straddles the Erasmus Hospital and the HUDERF.
- The Erasmus Hospital is accredited as a Level 1 Trauma Center for the multidisciplinary care of severe traumas (accidents in the home, road accidents, etc.). The department is specialised in treating diverse traumas (pelvis, acetabulum, complex fractures).
- The Musculoskeletal Tumours Clinic, in cooperation with the Bordet Institute.
- Medical appraisal – necessary to obtain compensation or recognition of a disability – concerns the assessment of the physical sequelae of traumas (accidents in private or professional life) or degenerative pathologies.
Our team

Our specialist doctors

The Pathologies of the Plexus and Peripheral Nerves Unit treats pathologies of the brachial and lumbosacral plexus and peripheral nerves, in cooperation with doctors-physiotherapists, neurologists and neuropaediatricians. Surgical intervention and appropriate re-education can correct or compensate for these injuries – of traumatic, inflammatory or obstetrical origin – and their sequels that can induce paralysis, contractures and malposition of the limbs.

The Erasmus Hospital Orthopaedics Department cooperates in particular with the ULB's Anatomy Laboratory on fundamental research projects in the field of biomechanics and biokinetics and with spin-offs for cell therapy experimentation (for consolidating bones and cartilage in particular.