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Our role
Neurosurgery is the treatment of pathologies of the brain and vertebral column by means of surgery.Neurosurgery works in close cooperation with the Departments of Neurology, Neuroradiology, Interventional Neuroradiology, Paediatrics and Endocrinology, as well as with the Jules Bordet Institute's Radiotherapy Department.

We are both surgeons and neurologists. We are therefore familiar with all the diseases of the brain: brain tumours, neurological malformations, epilepsies and also head injuries, etc.
Our specialities
The HUB Interhospital Department of Neurosurgery spans 5 clinics:
- The Neuro-Oncology Clinic treats benign and cancerous tumours of the brain, in cooperation with the Jules Bordet Institute. This clinic also possesses Belgium's only Gamma-Knife Centre. This particular form of radiotherapy delivers a major dose of radiation to a very precise point in the brain in a single session. This makes it possible to treat brain metastases, trigeminal nerve neuralgias, meningiomas, etc.
- The Vertical Column Clinic is concerned with pathologies, injury or trauma affecting the vertical column that can be treated with surgery. Examples: discal hernia, vertebral fracture, etc.
- The Clinic for Skull Base Surgery is concerned with the lower zone of the brain, which begins at the level of the forehead and "descends" towards the neck.
- The Functional Neurosurgery Clinic aims to improve or restore a function impaired by a brain disease. Examples: ablation of an epilepsy source site that is unresponsive to other treatment, the placing of intracerebral electrodes to reduce Parkinson's disease symptoms, reduction of spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, etc.
- The Paediatric Neurosurgery Clinic operates in conjunction with the HUDERF children's hospital. This reputed structure cooperates regularly with the prestigious Necker Hospital in Paris.
Our team

Our medical specialists
The Interhospital Department of Neurosurgery has developed great expertise in surgery of the skull base by endoscopic means. The Erasmus Hospital is one of two centres in Belgian that practices this procedure. Developed by neurosurgeons in cooperation with the Ear, Nose and Throat Department, it consists of operating on tumours – often benign, such as pituitary adenomas – by passing through the nose.

Most doctors at the HUB Interhospital Department of Neurosurgery undertake clinical research. In neuro-oncology, the treatment of brain tumours – in adults as well as children – is an important line of research.